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[Black wax home recording of man speaking and testing phonograph over off-air recording of Freddy Martin's Orchestra].
1 of 100
Brown wax home recording made via loudspeaker of band performing You hit the spot
2 of 100
Queen amang the heather
3 of 100
Naughty Marietta selections
4 of 100
The old maid and the burglar
5 of 100
My blue heaven
6 of 100
Girl of my dreams waltz
7 of 100
Honolulu moon
8 of 100
La gipsy mazurka ecossaise
9 of 100
Don't sing aloha when I go
10 of 100
Softly, unawares
11 of 100
Mr. John Mackie
12 of 100
Hand me down my walking cane
13 of 100
The Scotch errand boy
14 of 100
The dying girl's message
15 of 100
Hum! Hum! Hum! Hum your troubles away
16 of 100
As it began to dawn
17 of 100
Jean McNeil
18 of 100
Aye waken o
19 of 100
Roll, Jordan, roll
20 of 100
The referee
21 of 100
My Blue Ridge Mountain home
22 of 100
The Mississippi flood
23 of 100
I wish I had someone to love me
24 of 100
I've loved her ever since she was a baby
25 of 100
March Lithgow
26 of 100
The old oaken bucket
27 of 100
Glory of the Yankee Navy march
28 of 100
Sesqui-centennial exposition march
29 of 100
The smiler
30 of 100
Drifting and dreaming
31 of 100
McGregor's toast
32 of 100
The Miami storm
33 of 100
At peace with the world
34 of 100
The prisoner's sweetheart
35 of 100
The engineer's child
36 of 100
The freight wreck at Altoona
37 of 100
I'd love to call you my sweetheart fox trot
38 of 100
Dwellers in the western world no. 3 - the black man
39 of 100
Marche militaire
40 of 100
Regimental pride march
41 of 100
Collegiate novelty fox trot
42 of 100
Coral sands of my Hawaii
43 of 100
'O sole mio
44 of 100
The letter edged in black
45 of 100
Christofo Columbo (thought the world was round-o)
46 of 100
Little brown jug
47 of 100
I want to see my Tennessee
48 of 100
The death of Floyd Collins
49 of 100
Doin' the best I can
50 of 100
Moonlight and roses : bring mem'ries of you
51 of 100
Life's railway to heaven
52 of 100
Cripple creek
53 of 100
Turkey in the straw Breakdown
54 of 100
Arkansas traveler Breakdown
55 of 100
Old Joe Clark
56 of 100
Memory lane
57 of 100
I'll take you home again, pal o' mine
58 of 100
At midnight on my pillow lying Erminie
59 of 100
The Boston burglar
60 of 100
Ah non mi ridestar
61 of 100
Oh, how I miss you to-night
62 of 100
The prisoner's song
63 of 100
New river train
64 of 100
I'll make the pies like mother made (if you'll make the dough like dad)
65 of 100
66 of 100
Hawaiian rainbow
67 of 100
Raggedy Ann fox trot
68 of 100
June night fox trot
69 of 100
I wonder what's become of Sally? fox trot
70 of 100
McDonald's reel
71 of 100
Faust. Faites-lui mes aveux
72 of 100
All'udir del sistro il suon
73 of 100
Memory Isle
74 of 100
Easy melody fox trot
75 of 100
It ain't gonna' rain no mo'
76 of 100
Pal of my dreams
77 of 100
Ride of the Valkyries
78 of 100
It looks like rain
79 of 100
Mindin' my business
80 of 100
[Black wax home recording of men singing It ain't gonna rain no more and other songs].
81 of 100
Monastery bells
82 of 100
I'm drifting back to dreamland waltz
83 of 100
Sun-kist rose fox trot
84 of 100
Poppies a Japanese romance
85 of 100
Porters on a pullman train
86 of 100
Rose of Bombay fox trot
87 of 100
Call me back, pal, o'mine
88 of 100
Mexican kisses
89 of 100
Barney Google
90 of 100
Forest whispers
91 of 100
Sweet southern dream waltz
92 of 100
I puritani. Sound now the trumpet fearlessly
93 of 100
Leave me your love when you're gone
94 of 100
95 of 100
Lonesome mama blues
96 of 100
Just a girl that men forget
97 of 100
Mother in Ireland
98 of 100
A picture without a frame
99 of 100
Kathleen Mavourneen fantasia
100 of 100